A new leaf. My first one on this beautiful monstera, which I chose as my first roommate in our apartment. I got it this past winter for just a few bucks from a lady who was looking for a new home for it.
A new leaf, a new chapter. Here comes the beginning of the summer, which we will spend together for the first time in Ljubljana.
I am so very proud of Tamer and myself. Everything we do, what we strive for, even though (or especially because) we may not share it online.
I am also proud of this young green leaf that curled out and sparkled by the window. I must be doing something right. I’ve been told that monsteras are not high maintenance. But for me, who already managed to screw up corn sprouts in elementary school, then raised my hands away from plants and declared: “This is not for me, I’d rather work with animals,” believe me, this new green leaf is a tremendous achievement for me.