Cat Corner Stories: Chapter 4

Today I am allowing myself to have a quiet celebration. After a really exhausting month as far as my street cats are concerned, I can look back with content and look forward with hope.

I know there are still difficult moments of pain and disappointment to come. But in a moment of insight yesterday, I said to Tamer, “Do you remember how we started with a small container of food a year and a half ago?”

Today we have a 15-kilo bag of kittle in the hallway. Two cats are resting in the same room, each in his own cat crate.

Tonight we will successfully release the 13th and 14th cat after sterilization / castration.

How far I’ve come and where else can I go on my cat volunteering journey!

(The photo was taken in the beginning of March 2020 when I came back from a 1 month visit to Slovenia. My cats waited and greeted me.)