Nice to meet me

We’re trying to find ourselves in our 20s. We finally do in our 30s. We shake hands, it’s nice to finally meet and know ourselves.

What a weight off our shoulders when we realize what suits us and, above all, what doesn’t.

Who do we allow into our bubble and who must we leave outside as we lock the door and throw away the key.

I know closeness of my friends has always meant a lot to me. I knew it would be very difficult to bear the distance of those that make my heart play and my soul dance.

Then came this year of solitude. Nowhere to go, no one to go with for coffee, just walks with my husband and feeding the cats.

And now? The silence suits me better than ever. The freedom to be alone is priceless. Being enough for myself. Awareness that I need not answer the phone all the time.

Yes, we’ve all had a difficult year. There are probably quite a few obstacles still in sight. I hope you too can get away from the noise and have enough courage to say (yes and) no. That you can reach out to shake your own hand and say: “Nice to meet me.” ❤️