Pressing pause on Ramadan

“I’ve never seen you so happy about getting your period before,” my husband tells me, with a genuine smile on his face.

I am pressing pause on my Ramadan fast today. My body needs a break. The joy is not here (only) for food and drink during the day. I am quite content because my physical and emotional state of the last few days tried to tell me that I am not irritable and gloomy for no reason. That my cycle is approaching a new beginning and that I will be able to devote myself to rest without any guilt.

I admit, just yesterday I told Tamer that I was looking forward to a cup of coffee on the balcony during the day, because I’m expecting my period soon.

“I see you’re already making plans,” he teased me.

Before dawn, I felt quite miserable at ‘sahur’. Slight headache and unexplained fatigue, soon joined by actual nausea. Once I discovered the reason behind it all later in the morning, I announced it with a full blown excitement.

Soon after, I put my plan into action. Alhamdulillah for everything. For Tamer, for coffee and for the joy that I have the opportunity to share with you, without any shame.