Some are embarrassed, they can’t even whisper the word that starts with the letter F. Others shout it at the top of their lungs. Many do not understand the f word and prefer to distance themselves from it. A good example of the latter in the recent times are no less than 3 well-known Slovenian women politicians.
Where does this embarrassment, this fear, this disgust with feminism come from? Who will like you better if you keep proclaiming: “I’m not a feminist!”
What are you afraid of if you make it clear that you stand for equal opportunities for everyone? Because that’s what feminism is. Not hairy armpits, not braless breasts, and not hatred of men.
Without feminism we haven’t got a chance, without feminism this world will go to hell.
Why are you afraid of feminism? No worries. You’re not the only one. In other parts of the world, feminism has a bad reputation as well. Somebody or something sure is benefiting from it.
In Sudan, young Sudanese women gather in the name of feminism by accepting only ladies without headscarves, and it is also mandatory to rebel against their families, especially the father. On the other hand, there are plenty of women within the Muslim community that keep on repeating the mantra: “We don’t need feminism, Islam has given us more rights than we ever had before.” No wonder, when the so-called white feminism insists on wanting to “liberate” them from the constituent elements of their Islamic faith.
When it became known who I chose to marry, I received the following message: “He’s a Muslim? I’ve always considered you a feminist.”
I am a feminist and always will be. In the true sense of the word. Without feminism we haven’t got a chance, without feminism this world will go to hell.